Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Fast-track upgrade to Career Affiliate and Associate member

Congratulations on successfully achieving your qualification. If you are considering a career in languages, then becoming a Career Affiliate or an Associate member (depending on whether your qualifications is applied or a general languages degree) will illustrate to future employers and clients your commitment to your continuing professional development.  

As a Career Affiliate or Associate member you have access to a range of benefits and support as you transition to a professional linguist. 

Once we've assessed all the information supplied and we are satisfied that you have met the criteria, we will contact you for the membership fee and will then confirm your upgrade to Career Affiliate or Associate member.

If you have any questions or need help with your upgrade please contact the membership team on

Upgrade today. As a recent graduate, it's simple – just send us a copy of your degree certificate along with a £30.00 assessment fee (you will need to be logged in).