Chartered Institute
of Linguists

CIOL Consultation Responses

Consultation on Soft Power: A Strategy for UK Success? – March 2025

This inquiry by The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee is seeking to explore the extent and effectiveness of the UK’s soft power in what is an increasingly challenging global environment. The inquiry will consider the UK’s unique soft power strengths and ask how the UK might best measure and actualise the benefits it accrues from its soft power. This inquiry will also scrutinise the work of the Government’s new Soft Power Council and any subsequent strategy to strengthen UK soft power. CIOL's submission focuses on the value of languages and linguists in supporting cultural and educational exchange as well as in response to conflict and humanitarian emergencies. read more

Consultation on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence – February 2025

The UK Government sought views from stakeholders on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence. The Chartered Institute of Linguists and ITI responded together to underline that the translation and interpreting sector requires specific consideration within the AI copyright framework to protect professional standards while enabling appropriate innovation. Both organisations welcome this consultation and urge the UK Government to prioritise language sector-specific needs in developing new regulations and guidance. read more


Curriculum and Assessment Review: Call for Evidence – November 2024

The UK Government sought views from stakeholders on potential improvements to the curriculum and assessment system. The Chartered Institute of Linguists' response emphasised that this review of the UK school curriculum presents a vital opportunity to address longstanding challenges in our education system. Drawing on research and practical experience, we proposed a comprehensive approach to reform which places languages back at the heart of an updated UK curriculum to promote inclusion and breadth of learning and opportunity. read more

A World-Class Education System: The Advanced British Standard consultation – March 2024

The UK Government consulted on proposals for an Advanced British Standard (ABS), a new Baccalaureate-style qualification framework for 16-19 year-olds in the UK. The Chartered Institute of Linguists' response emphasised the importance of a broad curriculum that includes language learning and the need for languages to be a core part of education up to age 18. CIOL has no issues with the proposed aims and principles of the ABS but advocates for the greater recognition and support of Home, Heritage, and Community languages, as well as recognition of the practical value of languages in life and work. The response also points out the need for increased teaching time for languages and the potential benefits of multilingualism and wider access to languages. read more

System Dribiwnlysoedd Newydd i Gymru / A New Tribunal System for Wales: White Paper – September 2023

The Welsh Government consulted on proposals for a new tribunal system for Wales. CIOL and the Institute of Translation and Interpreting came together to highlight the success of language policy in Wales, the importance of other languages alongside Welsh and English in the court system and the need to support people who don’t have adequate Welsh or English with properly qualified interpreters with the necessary language skills. read more

Languages, Cultures and Societies QAA Subject Benchmark Statement content review: Public Consultation – October 2022

Higher education staff and students, employers and professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs) have been invited to respond to a consultation on 12 draft Subject Benchmark Statements, which have been reviewed by expert Subject Advisory Groups with the support of QAA. The Chartered Institute of Linguists contributed to this review and sat on the Advisory Board for the Languages, Cultures and Societies Benchmark Statement... read more

GCSE Modern Foreign Language (MFL) subject content review: Public Consultation Response – May 2021

In November 2019, the Department for Education announced that a review would be launched into the GCSE MFL subject content for England. This review related to French, German and Spanish GCSEs only. The Department is now seeking views on the proposed changes within the revised subject content. The consultation closes on 19 May 2021. CIOL has responded with answers to questions posed by the DfE... read more

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages' statement ​on the MFL GCSE Subject Content review and consultation - May 2021

Statement on the MFL GCSE Subject Content review and consultation - 13 May 2021:

​The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages (APPG MFL) notes widespread concern and disquiet in relation to the review. At a time when languages are already uniquely fragile in English schools, the proposals in their present form represent a fundamental change to the nature of language learning... read more

BEIS Call for Evidence: The Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Regulation of Professions: October 2020

Q1 - Please let us know anything you think we need to understand regarding how effectively regulation works within the sectors in which you have particular interest or expertise.

This response relates to professional linguists working as interpreters and translators in different sectors, including conference, business and public service interpreters.   

Regulation of these sectors... read more

CIOL CSR Proposal for a UK Professional Language Qualifications (UK PLQ) Framework Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 representation: September 2020 


In response to government priorities set out in the Comprehensive Spending Review, The Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) hereby, submits our CSR representation and proposal for the development of a UK Professional Language Qualifications Framework (UK PLQ) to support the UK’s recovery from Covid-19, support international trade and economic growth and promote the UK’s security from cyberthreats and terrorism... read more

MAC Review of the Shortage Occupation List: September 2020 (sections 6E.52 to 6.E54)

Recommendations (p239)

6E.52 - We recommend that SOC code 3412 (authors, writers and translators) is partially added to the SOL (Shortage Occupation List): we recommend that interpreters only are added. The occupation ranks highly (13th) in the RQF3-5 shortage rankings and the job vacancy to employee ratio has been above the median of all eligible occupations... read more

CIOL response to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration’s report “Inspection of the Home Office’s use of language services in the asylum process May – November 2019


We welcome the review by the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration Home Office’s use of language services in the asylum process, which has raised a number of concerns and issues; the full report can be found... read more