- If you're not yet logged in, the link above will prompt you to do so before redirecting you to My Payments
- If you are logged in, it will take you directly to My Payments
- If you're experiencing difficulty logging in, please contact the membership team at membershipteam@ciol.org.uk
If your renewal is outstanding you may no longer receive all the benefits of membership.
If you are on Find-a-Linguist, your listing(s) may be suspended until you have renewed your membership.
If you have a question about the renewal process, please first read our renewal FAQs below before contacting the membership team at membershipteam@ciol.org.uk
Renewal FAQs
Your CIOL membership year runs for 12 months from the date of joining or last renewal; renewal notices are issued to members by email 6 weeks before the renewal is due. Please look out for the invitation to renew and act promptly to ensure there is no accidental lapse in your membership. The email's subject is "CIOL Membership Renewal (date)".
To find out how much your renewal will be please check our membership fees.
If you have a question about the renewal process, please take a look at the FAQs below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, then contact the membership team by email. The period between the end of July and the end of September is a very busy time of the year for the membership team; we will endeavour to answer your questions within five working days but please be prepared to wait a little longer.
For Affiliates, Associates, Members and Fellows, the membership year will be for a 12 month period from the initial date of joining/renewing.
You can simply log into your ‘My CIOL’ account and pay online. You will be able to see how much to pay, download a PDF invoice for your records and then, once the payment has been made, a PDF receipt will automatically be generated for you to download. You can also check your contact details and update these online if they are out of date.
Alternatively, please contact the membership team at membershipteam@ciol.org.uk if you have a query.
Renew online: Members can renew online easily by credit/debit card or PayPal via Sage Pay. All major credit and debit cards are accepted.
Existing Direct Debit: If you already have a Direct Debit in place, you do not need to act. You will receive a Direct Debit Advance Notice by email informing you of the amount that will be debited and the date of when your payment will be processed.
Switch to Direct Debit: If you're a CIOL member with a UK-based bank account, you can pay for your renewal by Direct Debit. Switching to this payment method will allow you to benefit from the online membership rate. If you wish to switch to this method of payment, please complete the online Direct Debit Instruction form. Please note, the deadline to pay for April 2025 renewals is 17 April 2025
Bank transfers: Please click here for bank details and further information on this method of payment. Paying by international bank transfer will incur an administrative fee of £10.00 which you must add to cover the bank charges levied.
Cheque: Cheques are made payable to 'Chartered Institute of Linguists', quoting your CIOL number on the reverse of the cheque, and should be sent to CIOL Star House, Star Hill, Rochester Kent ME1 1UX. Cheques not sent by Special Delivery or recorded mail are sent at your own risk.
Paying by credit or debit card: There are no additional bank charges. The quickest way to renew, if paying by card, is online via the secure Sage Pay portal.
Bank transfer: If you pay by bank transfer you will pay the online fee plus a £10.00 administration fee that you must add to cover bank charges levied (only applicable to international bank transfers).
If you renew online, using a credit or debit card, the receipt will automatically be generated. You can download a PDF copy of your receipt via your ‘My CIOL’ account – simply click on the My payments tab.
If you pay by Direct Debit or Bank Transfer, you will be able to access your receipt via My Payments within 10 working days of the payment being successfully taken from your bank account.
If you pay by cheque please allow up to 5 working days to receive your receipt. Alternatively, you can access your receipt via My payments.
In all cases the most recent and previous years’ receipts will be available to download at any time, once you are logged into My payments.