Chartered Institute
of Linguists

CIOL Highlights

Here are some of the most popular news items we have featured in the CIOL eNews emails over the last period.

February 2025: CIOL Conference Season 2025 - reminder

Early bird tickets still on sale (until 15 February)

Join us this March for three special events: our in-person Translators Day & Awards (14 March) and Interpreters Day (15 March) in central London, plus our Online Conference (20 March).

CIOL Translators Day  Experience a full day of inspiring talks featuring Stella Hodkin from Translators without Borders, experts from the British Library/Qatar Foundation Partnership, and practical freelance guidance from Vasiliki Prestidge. And of course, don't miss our special guest – the wonderful Susie Dent! This year's enhanced two-stream format offers a greater choice of talks to attend. The day culminates in the CIOL Awards, celebrating outstanding contributions in the field of languages, and exceptional achievement in our professional language qualifications, presented by our Royal Patron HRH Prince Michael of Kent.

CIOL Interpreters Day  Begin your day with ground-breaking research from the University of Surrey Centre for Translation Studies team, led by Dr Diana Singureanu with Dr Sabine Braun and Professor Constantin Orasan. Gain specialised insights from interpreters Michelle Deeter and Katie Santos, and engage in vital discussions on PSI issues and career opportunities.

CIOL Online Conference  Access seven expert presentations covering success strategies, ethics, audiovisual translation, AI at the European Commission, respeaking, cross-border language evolution, and Duolingo's insights on language learning speed – all from wherever you are. 

New Premium Venue – Same Great Value! As announced in last month's update, we've secured a bigger and better venue at Convene, at no extra cost to delegates. Translators Day & Awards and Interpreters Day will be taking place at: Convene, 22 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4BQ. Take advantage of this unique opportunity with our early bird discount ticket offer available until 15 February, and make it an event to remember!

February 2025: Introducing Chartered Week

Chartered Week: A New Celebration of Trusted Professionals

We're celebrating Chartered Week 2025! Chartered Week is a new UK-wide national awareness week bringing together people and organisations across different sectors to shine a light on Chartered professionals and their positive impact in society.

Running from 24 to 28 February, the theme for the inaugural Chartered Week is “Celebrating Trusted Professionals”. It’s a great opportunity to recognise the work of Chartered Linguists whose language skills, conduct and commitment help to strengthen the public’s trust and appreciation for the value of languages and language professionals.

February 2025:  Survey results

Direct clients vs Language Service Companies (LSC/LSPs)

"Looking at your current translation work, what share comes from large and small/medium-sized direct clients and language service companies (LSCs)?"

Our poll on direct client relationships revealed fascinating insights into how translators are adapting their business models. Nearly half of CIOL members' work now comes from direct clients, though Large Language Service Companies remain the largest single client category. Building on the insights from this poll and our previous poll on changing workloads over 2024, Head of Membership Dom Hebblethwaite analyses how CIOL members are navigating these shifting and challenging market dynamics. Read the analysis here.

February 2025: CIOL Mentoring

CIOL Mentoring - Making a Difference: A Mentor's Perspective
by Yolanda Vercher

As part of our drive to further strengthen CIOL's mentoring community, CIOL CEO John Worne spoke with Yolanda Vercher, one of our most active mentors, about her experience supporting fellow language professionals through the CIOL Mentoring Platform.

Read about her experience and why she finds mentoring so rewarding.

February 2025: CIOL Voices - Mental Health for Linguists

CIOL Voices: Mental Health for Linguists – how to live a solution-focused life
by Rasha Alajouz

"In the complex landscape of linguists’ mental health, perspective and languages play crucial roles in shaping our well-being."

CIOL Council Member Rasha Alajouz gave a talk on linguists and mental health at The Language Show in November 2024. 

Read the key points from Rasha's presentation 'Mental Health for Linguists' in her latest CIOL Voices blog.

February 2025: Explore 90 years of new words - The British Council at 90

To mark the British Council’s 90th year, CIOL Vice President Susie Dent spoke at a celebratory event, exploring new words added to the English language and the stories they tell about societal, cultural and technological change. You can watch the video here.

CIOL Digital Learning Partner Duolingo also wrote an interesting blog in January on why English language test scores expire.

Experts call this process of losing proficiency language attrition. Research has shown that even if people haven’t used a language in decades, they can still recognise and understand a surprising amount of it. This seems especially true the more proficient someone has become in the language they were learning, suggesting people may forget language at different rates once they stop using it.

However, while receptive comprehension (the ability to read and listen to a language) seems to persist longer, productive ability (writing and speaking) declines more quickly. This can lead to the sensation of feeling 'rusty' in a language: conversation is slow and halting, because you can’t quite recall the words or grammar patterns you want to use.”

This is one of the reasons CIOL created Certified English. Spoken language is constantly evolving, and if you aren’t able to use in your everyday life and practice your conversational English, it will get rusty. The Certified English speaking test is a great way to check in on where your conversational English actually is currently – and also it’s a good prompt to get talking and to explore new words and forms of expression, as English evolves every day! Find out more about the Certified English speaking test here.

February 2025: House of Lords Inquiry

Update on the House of Lords Inquiry into Interpreting and Translation Services in the Courts

The UK's Ministry of Justice has provided written responses to additional questions from the UK House of Lords Inquiry into Interpreting and Translation Services in the Courts. The Minister for Courts and Legal Services Sarah Sackman KC MP wrote to Baroness Morris in a letter dated 24 January 2025, setting out important information and new commitments.

This letter brings more facts, data and commitments into the public domain which will better enable parliamentarians, the public, interpreters and stakeholders to hold government and publicly-contracted providers to account. CIOL will continue to work to shine a light on problems and maintain our focus on the importance of improved pay rates, better working conditions and a full and ongoing commitment to the use of properly regulated, qualified, professional interpreters. Read the letter here.

January 2025: Results of our recent Snap poll

Snap poll: How has your workload changed in 2024?

"As a freelance translator and/or interpreter, how have your work volumes changed in 2024?"

This is the question we asked in December's enews update snap poll. The response to the poll was exceptional, with members providing detailed insights into the significant changes and challenges facing our profession, and we would like to thank all of you who took the time to share your thoughts. You can read the full results and a selection of comments from members in our CIOL Voices blog.

December 2024: Staying ahead of scammers

Staying ahead of scammers: verifying legitimate translation project offers

"In my 25 years in the translation industry, I don’t think I’ve ever received as many scam emails as I have in the past few months."

While we may be able to spot an obvious scam, scammers are becoming increasingly savvy, and we all need to stay vigilant, both to protect ourselves and safeguard the reputation of our profession.

This CIOL Voices blog from Carina Balbo is particularly timely as CIOL has recently received reports from members who have been contacted by scammers pretending to be from large localisation companies and communicating primarily via WhatsApp. CIOL has been working jointly with ITI to raise awareness with the campaign 'Never click an unknown link'.

In this CIOL Voices blog, Carina expands on this work with useful and practical tips to help protect translators from falling into a trap by increasingly sophisticated scammers.

December 2024: Lords Committee calls for urgent pause on UK court interpreter services tender amid serious concerns

The cross-party House of Lords Public Services Committee is currently undertaking an inquiry into interpreting and translation services in the UK courts.

A wide range of stakeholders, legal professionals and interpreters have contributed their own experiences and perspectives in the comprehensive written evidence collected by the inquiry, and CIOL CEO John Worne, NPRSI's Mike Orlov and ITI's Sara Robertson all appeared before the committee on 6 November to give oral evidence. If you haven't already, have a look at the resources page on the CIOL website where the evidence and progress of the committee’s inquiry is easy to access.

After gathering extensive evidence highlighting serious concerns about quality and access to justice, the House of Lords Public Services Committee has written to the Lord Chancellor calling for an urgent pause to the court interpreter services tender. The letter draws on written and oral evidence from the Chartered Institute of Linguists, ITI, NRPSI, the Ministry of Justice, The Big Word, ATC, the legal profession, academics and others. The letter is available on the Public Services Committee Inquiry webpages and also here.

December 2024: The Linguist - Winter 2024

The Winter 2024 issue of The Linguist is published

The Winter issue of The Linguist has just been published and is available to download from the CIOL website.

Cover stories include ‘Word of God’, which looks at the many considerations involved in translating the Qur’an; ‘Engaging Visitors’, an article on the complexities of working with museums where historical understanding may differ between speakers of different languages; and ‘A healthy solution?’, outlining a pioneering hybrid model of hospital interpreting that could improve patient outcomes.

Also in this issue, test yourself on how well you remember the language stories which made it to the news in the last 12 months with The Linguist Quiz 2024. Download to your tablet, smartphone or laptop and read it wherever you are.

November 2024: Richard Hardie steps down as CIOL President

Richard Hardie – Schwanengesang

"A love of languages can come to us through myriad different life experiences, and the Chartered Institute of Linguists celebrates them all. Which makes me very happy, as languages have enormously enriched my life and the lives of every single CIOL member I have had the joy to meet."

To mark his retirement this year as CIOL President following five great years in the role, Richard Hardie HonFCIL takes the opportunity to reflect on his life with languages. Read Richard's 'Schwanengesang' and join us in wishing him a long, happy and well-deserved retirement!

November 2024: Inquiry into interpreting and translation services in the UK courts

The cross-party House of Lords Public Services Committee inquiry

The cross-party House of Lords Public Services Committee is currently undertaking an inquiry into interpreting and translation services in the courts. The Chartered Institute of Linguists shared the 'Working Together White Paper’ with the Committee, which set out urgent recommendations agreed across a broad range of language stakeholders in 2023 for tackling immediate challenges around procurement and provision of language services for the UK’s public sector. CIOL CEO John Worne has also written with CIOL Council Member Dr Diana Singureanu, who is a research fellow at the Centre for Translation Studies at the University of Surrey, on these issues in the Law Gazette.

A wide range of stakeholders, legal professionals and interpreters have contributed their own experiences and perspectives in the comprehensive written evidence collected by the inquiry. John Worne also appeared before the committee with Mike Orlov of NRPSI and Sara Robertson of ITI to give oral evidence on 6 November 2024. A resources page has been added to the CIOL website to make the evidence and progress of the committee’s inquiry easier to access.

October 2024: CIOL Conference Season: booking opens

Booking now open for the CIOL Conference Season 2025!

This coming March, we’re bringing you two in-person events – CIOL Translators Day & Awards and CIOL Interpreters Day – to be held in central London, and a one-day Online Conference, designed to reach a global audience.

Building on last year's successful conference season, we are adding more speakers for a bumper Conference Season 2025 programme. This will include presentations on translation, interpreting, education, business and much more across all three events, as well as interesting panel discussions which offer the opportunity of summing up the content of each day, as well as an opportunity for you to take part. Keep an eye on the CIOL website as we add confirmed speakers and panellists.

Tickets – price freeze!
We are again offering the popular Season Ticket, allowing you to sign up to all three events for a discounted price. Alternatively you could purchase a ticket for just one event, or choose a combination of your preferred events (for example Translators Day or Interpreters Day and the Online Conference). Prices are frozen at last year's rates! Early bird tickets are now available, so don't miss out – book your place today to get the best price.

October 2024: Research into the uses of AI translation in UK Public Services

Groundbreaking study reveals AI/MT Translation use in Public Service

CIOL has partnered with the University of Bristol on the just published groundbreaking research project 'Uses of AI Translation in UK Public Service Contexts'. Authored by Dr Lucas Nunes Vieira of the University of Bristol, this examines a previously unstudied aspect of our public services: the use of machine translation tools by frontline workers. The data, from over 2,500 UK professionals, shows that a third of respondents have used machine translation in their work, often in public-facing situations where miscommunication could have serious consequences. It is clear that the current situation of unacknowledged and unmanaged use of AI for translation in public services cannot continue.

The findings and implications of this research with Lucas and the two key reviewers of the research, Professor Lynne Bowker and Dr Mary Nurminen, were discussed in our online Roundtable on 17 October. CIOL members have access to the recording of the discussion in the CIOL Webinar Library.

October 2024: CIOL at the Language Show

CIOL at The Language Show

This year, The Language Show includes a programme of six specialist talks for language professionals, fully curated and led by CIOL:

Mediating cultural heritage – Mariam Aboelezz
Translating Balkan food – Ana Ilievska Zavrsnik
AI, Languages and linguists: CIOL's view of the main threats and opportunities of AI for linguists – John Worne
Mastering success as a linguist through adaptability, flexibility and belonging to a professional body – Liudmila Tomanek
Empowering linguists: mental health and achieving balance, living a solution-focused life as a linguist – Rasha Alajouz
Building a career as a translator or interpreter: how qualifications and professional bodies can help – Dom Hebblethwaite

CIOL's day at The Language Show is on Friday 8 November from 10am–4.15pm and is included in the £12 Language Show ticket. Click below to view the full Language Show programme and book your place.

September 2024: Our most popular social media post of the month

Post of the month: Why I am optimistic for the future of translators

Our most popular post this month was a CIOL Voices blog from CIOL member and Chartered Linguist Gillian Morris who wrote about her optimism for the future of translators and why she believes human translators will continue to be vital even as machines and AI improve.

The post received over 80 likes on LinkedIn and comments such as: 

"These are really digestible, helpful pearls of wisdom, Gillian. Thank you!"
"AI translation can’t hold a candle to human translators!"

Gillian makes eight clear points on her observations having worked in the language service industry for several years, first as an employed Translation Project Manager, and now as a freelance translator.

August 2024: Due to demand, we made improvements to Find-a-Linguist

Enhancements to Find-a-Linguist

Find-a-Linguist is regularly cited as one of the key benefits by CIOL's members. Indeed, many members report having found some of their best clients through this valued service. And the opportunity to find accredited linguists from a Chartered body is certainly popular with Language Service Providers (LSPs) and other translation buyers.

In the last 12 months alone, we've seen over 165,000 Find-a-Translator page views and more than 77,000 Find-an-Interpreter views through Find-a-Linguist. With such high demand, we've been carrying out some improvements to Find-a-Linguist.

August 2024: Chief Executive's highlights of the year

CIOL Highlights 2023/24 - John Worne, Chief Executive

"It is really worth celebrating that CIOL has been fortunate enough to maintain a strong and active membership community across more than 50 countries and speaking over 50 languages."

As the 2023-24 membership year comes to a close, our CEO John Worne celebrates some of the year's successes in a CIOL Voices blog.

Read how the diversity of our membership and international reach, expansion of our qualifications and assessment portfolio, conference season events, stakeholder engagement and much else besides have all helped us navigate some difficult times since 2020, bringing the Chartered Institute of Linguists into a good place as we close this year positively and enter the next one with renewed energy.

July 2024: Most-viewed video on the CIOL YouTube channel

Let's Talk: How English Conversation Works - Professor David Crystal

Have you visited our YouTube channel recently?

Our most-viewed video on the channel, at 8,300 views, is the webinar Let's Talk, How English Conversation Works, with Professor David Crystal, CIOL Vice-President and Hon Fellow.

This video has proved hugely popular, with viewers commenting:
Fascinating!” and “Thanks a lot for sharing this insightful talk of Professor David Crystal – a great pleasure to listen to.”

If you haven’t seen it yet, do watch the video – you’re in for a real treat!

July 2024: CIOL Grade Finder Grid

New Membership Grade Finder Grid

Wherever you are in your studies, career and life, and however you use or intend to use your language skills, CIOL membership is for you. As your qualifications, skills and experience develop our membership pathway will support you and enable you to advance your career and goals as a linguist.

To assist you in selecting the appropriate CIOL membership grade to apply for, we have created a new Membership Grade Finder Grid. This combines your individual relevant qualifications and work experience to determine the most suitable membership option for you.

July 2024: Beware of Scams - Never click an unknown link!

Beware of Scams – Never click an unknown link!

We have recently had several CIOL members flag up phishing and scamming emails naming the CIOL and ITI Directories. We're working with ITI on a joint approach to tackle this, but in the meantime we have put some hints on the website on what to watch out for from the people who have been in touch with us – click the title above to read more.

Our thanks to Paul Ratcliffe and Annabel Browne for drawing our attention to the latest scam.

June 2024: CIOL roundtable on Generative AI - review

CIOL roundtable on Generative AI - review

Translation has already undergone several technological revolutions, from Translation Memory to Neural Machine Translation. CIOL’s roundtable on Generative AI (GenAI) explored the key problems, challenges, and opportunities that GenAI, ChatGPT, and other LLM-based models present.

The panel, hosted by Head of Membership Dom Hebblethwaite, brought together CIOL Council members Vasiliki Prestidge and Mark Robinson to offer freelance and SME LSP perspectives, along with co-founder of industry experts Slator, Florian Faes, who provided industry and research perspectives.

We explored to what extent GenAI is already affecting translation and whether translators are better prepared than most professionals for an "AI world."

There was fascinating input from the attendees, with more than a quarter viewing GenAI as the biggest threat to the profession, while one-third are using GenAI to assist with their own translation work productivity.

A very popular roundtable webinar helped panelists and audience members gain deeper insights into this controversial and fast-moving topic, equipping them to face the challenges ahead with more confidence.

Read a web summary or watch the event on CIOL’s YouTube channel.

June 2024: The Linguist - Spring 2024

The Summer 2024 issue of The Linguist

The Summer 2024 issue of The Linguist is available to read online and to download from the CIOL website.

In the cover story, Gene Hsu delves into the complex world of translating song and how to make lyrics 'singable'. Continuing the music/languages theme, there is an interview with music promoter Rachel Strassberger who reveals how her skills in six (yes, six!) languages have helped her get ahead in the music industry.

Also in this issue: how working in-house as a medical interpreter is better for practitioners and patients alike, how peer-to-peer mentoring offers support to freelancers, and much more from the world of languages.

June 2024: CIOL Online Conference presentations on YouTube

CIOL Online Conference presentations on our YouTube channel

In March this year, we held our CIOL Online Conference. Across the day, we heard from six speakers, each with a different area of expertise in languages. For anyone who would like to relive the day, and for those who missed all or any part of it, we have now released the presentations as videos on our YouTube Channel.

Just to remind you, they are:
Susie Dent: “The Emotional Dictionary”
Maha El-Metwally: “As we ‘make things work’, what kind of world are we making?”
Michelle Sheehan: “How linguistics can unlock passion and progression in languages”
Giulia Lucania: “Translating food and beverage: why food is such a crucial cultural element”
Adam Wooton: “The Vibrant and ever-changing landscape and possibilities for linguists in today’s evolving language service careers”
Bozena Pajak, Duolingo:
“The science of language learning and what millions of Duolingo learners have taught us” 

May 2024: Certified Translations

Certified Translations - Getting It Right

Following a major piece of work with ATC, led by former CIOL Council member Carina Balbo and with some very helpful input from a number of other CIOL Council members, we have developed some shared guidance with ITI and ATC on the landscape and varied requirements translators may encounter for Certified Translations.

This document outlines best practices and guidelines on certifying translations in the United Kingdom. It is intended for use with individuals and organisations who require certified translations, as well as translators and translation companies producing certified translations. You can download a copy from our Certified Translation page.

May 2024: Certified Translation Stamps

Certified Translation Stamps

To further support CIOL translators delivering Certified Translations, we have added a CIOL ‘stamp’ for use on official translations so that members can verify their translations. These stamps are available to all MCIL and FCIL grades of membership and can be downloaded from the library of member logos via our website: login via My CIOL, Benefits, Membership logos.

May 2024: New ISO Standard 5060

New ISO Standard 5060 Focuses on Human Evaluation to ensure Translation Quality

Aimed at providing guidance for the human evaluation of the translation output, ISO 5060 can be applied to both human and machine translation with or without subsequent post-editing, read what Slator has to say about it here.

The new ISO 5060 standard introduces a framework of concepts related to the evaluation of translation quality and provides a set of requirements for all steps of the evaluation process. Guidelines on severity, weight and the approach to repeated errors also form an important part of the standard.

Keeping humans in control and translators at the heart of translation is one of CIOL’s key principles in CIOL AI Voices.

April 2024: The Linguist - Spring 2024

The Spring 2024 issue of The Linguist

The Linguist magazine for spring 2024 is available to read online and to download from the CIOL website.

This issue leads with a two-article focus on Artificial Interpreting – Jonathan Downie outlines how interpreters are responding to remote interpreting platforms offering AI services, and Holly Silvestri writes on mitigating ethical issues to ensure safe rollout of AI in interpreting. 

Also in this issue, 'Wear your client's shoes' delves into the art of translating product descriptions for clothing brands, and 'Changing minds' asks if a new outreach project could give teens a new perspective on language learning.

April 2024 - CIOL Voices: "My experiences with Certified Translations"

CIOL Voices: "My experiences with Certified Translations"

Sarah Cutts MCIL CL writes our latest blog in the CIOL Voices series. Sarah is a CIOL member and Chartered Linguist and a Spanish and French to English translator of legal, academic and commercial documents, and here writes about her experiences working with clients to provide certified translations, saying: “Providing certified translations is a learning curve, especially when there are so many countries and authorities with different requirements.”

April 2024 - CIOL AI updates

CIOL AI updates

In February 2024, we introduced a new section to the website called CIOL AI Updates. This update adds new research and articles to this page which will be of interest to linguists.

The first article 'AI Chatbots Will Never Stop Hallucinating', from Scientific American, makes useful points which a translator could use to overturn the underinformed belief we all hear that just putting a text into ChatGPT is good enough.

Also of note is a new study from Intento on the comparative performance of MT vs Gen AI, indicating that whilst Generative AI models such as ChatGPT are making significant progress, they still lag behind traditional MT when it comes to practical integration into translation workflows.

March 2024: CIOL Conference Season

Translators Day, Interpreters Day and the Online Conference

The CIOL 2024 Conference Season took place in March and was filled with three days of rich content and networking opportunities. During two in-person days, one for translators and one for interpreters, we engaged with a diverse group of expert speakers, delving into the impact of AI and technology on the profession, and encouraging freelancers to adopt a business-oriented mindset as the speakers focused on negotiation skills for pricing and client engagement. A CIOL Council panel integrated key themes from the days, focusing on AI and managing change.

These two days were aptly summed up by CIOL member Zuzana Kusa who commented on LinkedIn:

The message of both Translators Day and Interpreters Day was clear: as massive as the technological advances have been in our field of work, and as threatening as they may seem to our livelihoods, digital tools will never be able to fully replace what human translators and interpreters bring to the table – human connection and expertise, emotional intelligence and passion, and relationships based on trust

The equally successful Online Conference was attended by delegates worldwide, and featured insights into the future of translation and interpreting, as well as a translation session on culture and gastronomy; linguistics in language learning was also covered, as well as insights from Duolingo on language acquisition, a session on the varied roles for linguists, finishing with an engaging keynote from CIOL Vice President Susie Dent on the importance of emotional vocabulary.

February 2024: AI updates for linguists

Artificial Intelligence – AI updates

Since we published CIOL AI Voices in late 2023, we have collected some of the most useful recent resources for linguists that we have identified. These illustrate the broad spectrum of Generative AI adoption and research, as well as increasing evidence of associated problems and concerns.

'Moral crumple zones' and 'monitoring and takeover challenges' are particularly telling terms from Microsoft’s latest report, which discusses the implications of humans being presented by AI with only the rarest and most problematic cases. Read the AI updates here.

February 2024 - A new CIOL guide

Technology for Translators

The CIOL Translation Division asked seven professional translators to contribute to a new guide on technology for translators, and to describe which technological tools they use in their daily lives to assist them with their work. The result has just been published on the CIOL Reports & Guides section of the website as a new mini-guide called Technology for Translators.

As translator and Translation Division steering group co-ordinator Karine Chevalier-Watts writes in the introduction:

"By the end of this guide, you will hopefully agree that the integration of modern technology into the field of translation empowers linguists with tools that enhance precision, accelerate processes and foster global collaboration. Embracing these advancements not only augments the capabilities of individual translators but also contributes to the overall evolution and elevation of language services in our interconnected world."

January 2024: Freelance Translator Survey 2023

Fees, current sentiment and much more...

CIOL members will be interested to learn that recent research has shown that members of translation associations charge on average 44% more than those not belonging to a professional body.

Read more outcomes of this fascinating and detailed survey, and access the full report on this link: Freelance translator survey 2023

January 2024: Find-a-Translator, Find-an-Interpreter

100,000+ views and counting

Since setting up new links on the homepage of the CIOL website to more easily access Find-a-Translator and Find-an-Interpreter, we are pleased to report that in 2023 the Find-a-Translator page was viewed 63,154 times, the Find-an-Interpreter page was viewed 29,044 times and the general Find-a-Linguist page was viewed 16,526 times.

Find-a-Translator, Find-an-Interpreter and Find-a-Teacher/Tutor are all now easily accessible from the CIOL homepage.


December 2023: launched our first CIOL White Paper on AI

AI and Translation - A CIOL White Paper on the future for languages and linguists

AI is transforming the context for translation and language services with new tools and technologies which can create and improve content, while at the same time containing biases and significant and serious errors.

With this in mind, CIOL has launched AI Voices – our white paper on AI in translation and language services which, through the voices of CIOL Council members, explores and explains the risks, opportunities and challenges of AI for anyone involved in languages and professional translation.

Whether you are a translator, interpreter, a career linguist, educator or simply interested in how AI will affect translation, we believe you will find this white paper of interest.

December 2023: launched CIOL Roundtable online discussions with over 600 sign-ups for the first event

NEW! CIOL roundtable discussions

We introduced a series of roundtable discussions on subjects of relevance to linguists and the language professions. The aim of these discussions is to explore key issues and current hot topics. Our panellists will all be linguists and experts within their fields.

The first topic was Certified Translations, following our recent joint activities with ITI and ATC to promote mutual recognition and clarify and harmonise expectations in the UK for certified translations.

December 2023: Working together for UK Public Service Interpreters

Working Together: 10 Recommendations for Translation and Interpreting in the UK Public Sector

In a new and powerful initiative, professional bodies, associations and stakeholders within the languages profession have come together to sound the alarm about the health and sustainability of Public Service Interpreting in the UK. Our new ‘Working Together White Paper’ sets out urgent recommendations for tackling immediate challenges around procurement and provision of language services for the UK’s public sector.

We believe that working together with the UK's Governments and public services on the ten themes we identify is the best way forward for the public's safety, and for the profession and professionals which support it. Read about the Working Together white paper here.

November 2023: wider promotion of Affiliate Linguist

Become a CIOL Affiliate Linguist

If you love languages and want to make a difference in the world of languages and culture, you should join us as a CIOL Affiliate Linguist. CIOL works to promote languages and linguists in the UK and around the world, but we can only do this with the support of our members and those who care about languages.

Affiliate Linguists can enjoy many of the benefits and opportunities CIOL offers, such as access to a range of resources, events and publications. Being an Affiliate Linguist also demonstrates an enthusiasm for languages to employers, clients and peers.

Affiliate Linguist is a new way to become part of our vibrant and diverse community of language lovers. For more click here.

November 2023: continued collaboration with on careers in languages

What are the most useful languages for your career: working with

Following our collaboration with worldwide employment website earlier in the year with the article How to become a translator, we partnered with Indeed again to help with content on wider careers in languages.

This article highlights the languages needed in today’s job market, which could give a candidate the edge on others and benefit their career. What are the most useful languages for your career also offers tips on learning a new language. Both articles were edited by CIOL's CEO John Worne.

November 2023: the first steps towards updating the CIOL Mentoring platform with a new look and new text for the webpages

A new look for CIOL Mentoring

Inspired by the UK’s National Mentoring Day we revamped our web platform which supports the CIOL mentoring scheme.

CIOL Mentoring helps linguists grow professionally and personally by connecting them with other linguists as mentors. Mentors can share their skills, while learning from the perspectives and experience of their mentee.

November 2023: CIOL Voices explore AI and translation

CIOL Voices

In a further two additions to the series, Dr Joseph Lambert wrote about the biggest threats and opportunities to professional freelance translators today, looking at rates of pay and working conditions, and Mark Robinson looked at AI and the future of translation.

You can access the latest CIOL Voices blogs here.

October 2023: joined other stakeholders in supporting the Language Gateway

The Languages Gateway

The UK’s new national ‘one stop shop' for all things languages, The Languages Gateway is aimed at informing anyone interested in, or involved in, languages and cultures in the UK.

The need for this portal was identified by 'Towards a National Languages Strategy', developed by the British Academy, the AHRC, ASCL, the British Council and Universities UK. Its development was supported by leading organisations and stakeholders representing both the public and private sectors, including the Chartered Institute of Linguists. The Gateway aims to list a comprehensive collection of resources, networks, organisations and opportunities across the languages spectrum.

September 2023: announced 2024 Conference Season, building on the success of the 2023 event format

CIOL Conference Season 2024 – open for bookings!

Following positive feedback from our 2023 conference events, CIOL announced we are once again holding two specialist in-person events in central London, one for translators and one for interpreters, as well as a one-day online conference to give those without easy access to London the opportunity to take part.

Translators Day, incorporating the CIOL Awards, will take place on 15 March, and Interpreters Day on 16 March, once again at etc.venues St Paul's (London), and the CIOL Online conference will be on 21 March. Booking details are available here.

August 2023: Updated the CIOL homepage to make Find-a-Translator / Interpreter / Teacher/Tutor more accessible for users:

Find-a-Translator, Interpreter, Teacher/Tutor

We have made it easier for potential clients to find a qualified, professional CIOL Translator, Interpreter or Teacher/Tutor directly from the CIOL homepage by clicking one of the three buttons positioned right in the middle of the page. 

They can then go on to choose languages and specialisms.

Visit the CIOL homepage to try it out.

August 2023: greater UK Government recognition for language professionals

Working together for Language Professionals

In June, Government launched the Regulated Professions Register, a new digital service that provides information about regulated professions in the UK.

Professional stakeholders reacted positively to the news that CIOL has achieved important recognition for its members and those of ITI, NRPSI and CCC in Wales with this formal accreditation of language professionals. Chartered Linguist as a designation is listed on the new register. Read the news piece on the CIOL website.

July 2023: helped MoJ with survey of language professionals by promoting and distributing it to CIOL membership via eNews

Ministry of Justice survey of language professionals


The Ministry of Justice invited language professionals to take part in a survey which aimed to gain insights into the experiences and views of those providing interpreting services.

June 2023: CIOL joins forces with other language organisations to address issues around certified translations

Certification of translations – harmonising best practices in the UK

Anyone who translates official documents for use by the UK’s public sector, Government agencies or for businesses in the UK will know that there are differences in the expectations and requirements for certified translations. This has been a contentious issue with translators for some time.

CIOL is working with two other leading professional language associations: the Institute for Translation and Interpreting (ITI) and the Association of Translation Companies (ATC) to harmonise best practices around the certification of translations in the UK. All three associations now recognise and endorse each other’s certification guidelines and practices. Click to read the news item.

May 2023: launch of CIOL Language Level Assessments

NEW! CIOL Language Level Assessments

These new assessments are for adults who want to prove to themselves, or to employers, their current standard of second language speaking skills in French, German, Italian and Spanish and any other languages they may have.

Knowing your language level can unlock greater self-confidence and career opportunities.

Find out more here.

May 2023: Susie Dent announced as new CIOL Vice-President

New CIOL Vice President Susie Dent

CIOL welcomed Susie Dent as a new Vice-President of CIOL. Well-known as a writer and broadcaster on language, particularly as a co-presenter and word expert on Channel 4’s Countdown, Susie regularly comments on TV and radio on words, as well as her ‘word of the day’ on Twitter.

Susie is a linguist in her own right, notably in German, and has a great appreciation for the wider community of linguists and CIOL’s role in supporting it. She gave a session at the CIOL Conference in 2022 and recorded a short interview, a clip of which you can watch on the CIOL YouTube channel here.

April 2023: CIOL launches ‘Certified English’

Introducing… Certified English

English continues to grow and be essential for many as a Lingua Franca in business, science and academia. CIOL has introduced the Certified English speaking test in support of with our Universal Understanding motto. The Certified English speaking test provides advanced speakers of English, as a second or additional language, the opportunity to showcase their English speaking abilities in accordance with international standards and CIOL's Language Level Frameworks.

By doing so, they can demonstrate their proficiency to qualify as a CIOL Working or Professional English Speaker. Explore the Certified English section on the CIOL website to find out more.

March 2023: CIOL takes on the formal secretariat and website support for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Modern Languages

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages


CIOL now provides the formal secretariat supporting the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Modern Languages. Visit our web pages here where you can read about the APPG and recent presentations and publications

March 2023: CIOL Awards held as part of Translators Day

CIOL Awards 2023 – Celebrating Outstanding Achievement in Languages


The CIOL Awards celebrate and recognise outstanding contributions in the field of languages, as well as exceptional achievement in our professional language qualifications.

Read more about the winners here.

March 2023: The first CIOL ‘Conference Season’ comprising 2 in-person days and an online conference, with a season ticket to cover all events …

CIOL Conference Season 2023

March 2023: New Spring 2023 issue of The Linguist published


New Linguist, new formats

This issue, in a new extended format, introduces a quarterly rhythm for The Linguist magazine.

This new approach, combined with free sign-up option for the Online edition, extends readership and saves on the environmental costs of print and distribution.

Download the latest issue here.




January 2023: Call for content for the recently launched blog series CIOL Voices

CIOL Voices: tell us your story

CIOL Voices is a new series of blogs on the CIOL website. In this series, we showcase the thoughts and opinions of CIOL's members and stakeholders on a variety of topics that are important to linguists and languages professionals. If you have a topic you would like to write on, we would love to hear from you! Please contact with your proposal.

Check out one of the most popular blogs in the CIOL Voices series: 'Always and never at home' by Vasiliki Prestidge. To read the other blogs in this series, click here.