Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Visit to 5Hz Exhibition by Emma Smith

Event report


Our January event was a visit to the 5Hz exhibition by Emma Smith in Nottingham. When we arrived, we were really happy to find a proper bakery downstairs so we had delicious home-made cakes and coffee. The exhibition was fascinating and explored a new singing language invented by Emma. It was easy to learn – wish all languages were this easy! – and after a twelve minute audio introduction, we were having “singing conversations” in this new language. Much hilarity ensued.

We rounded off the visit with lunch in a pub where the conversation, as always, covered a multitude of topics and languages and even included the man at the neighbouring table – who also happened to be a linguist.


5Hz is a sound installation based around the invention of a new singing language designed to strengthen social connections. After a year-long research process that examined the psychological and neurological responses to the human voice, the 5Hz language comprises a set of sounds that transcend language barriers. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn the language and use it. Click here for more information.

“This work reveals the musical nature of human conversation – an ancient practice embedded in our subconscious through which, while consciously chatting with one another, we are magically and subconsciously making music.” – Emma Smith

After the exhibition, attendees are welcome to join the Midlands Network committee at a local café for refreshments (at own expense).

Please confirm your attendance by emailing

January 26th, 2019 11:00 AM
33 Seely Road
Nottingham, NG7 1NU
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Category Midlands Network
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CIOL Midlands Network