Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Drop-in sessions

The Interpreting Division Steering Group is organising a series of online “clinic” drop-in sessions for interpreters, especially for (but not limited to) those early on in their career. These are informal online meetings where attendees can ask questions on specific topics and advice from established interpreters.

You still need to book in advance as the number of attendees we can host is limited to 50 places. Please find below more information on the upcoming drop-in session and the specific topic we will be covering.


Drop-in session: Pre Business Interpreting Events - asking the right questions up front

Our panel comprises two of our Steering Group members, Sue Leschen and Kate Dagleish and will be moderated by Diana Singureanu. Sue Leschen and Kate Dagleish are both highly experienced interpreters who have interpreted at numerous and varied business events over the years. Interpreting at business events is one thing but actually knowing how and what to negotiate by way of favourable working conditions is another.

They look forward to answering your questions on the following relevant topics:

  • Fees: cancellation, preparation and interpreting fees
  • Research and preparation: how, what and where 
  • Materials to assist preparation: what is needed and when required  
  • Working alone or with a partner: length of job and number of clients
  • Breaks: how long and when
  • Venues: online or onsite visual and/ or audio issues
  • Subject matter and expertise

Please note that these sessions are not recorded.

November 22nd, 2023 from  5:00 PM to  6:00 PM
Events +
Category Interpreting Division
Event image

CIOL Interpreting Division