Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Interpreting Outside the Box: Navigating Off-the-Record Interactions

Join the CIOL Interpreting Division for an open mic Q&A session.

Interpreters working in these venues not only have to contend with issues inside court hearing rooms and police station interview rooms but, also from time to time, they have to deal with different issues arising elsewhere in the vicinity of the court building or police station.  Whether approached by clients, family members, or friends, interactions can occur in waiting rooms, corridors, car parks, canteens, and even restrooms, further complicating their role.

Unlike for lawyers, very few of these venues have separate waiting facilities for interpreters so there are no escape routes!

This session will focus on the types of dilemmas that can arise in these situations and best practice in terms of resolving them.

Some points for discussion - in no particular order:

  • The client’s family/ friends approach the interpreter in the public waiting room and want to discuss the case
  • The client is a litigant in person (not represented by a lawyer) and wants to discuss their case with the interpreter in a consultation room in the court
  • The other party’s lawyers approach the interpreter in the waiting room and seem to be “fishing” for information
  • The expert witness for the prosecution approaches the defence’s interpreter in the court canteen for “background information”.
  • The judge/arbitrator asks the interpreter to accompany the client/expert witness to lunch, but not discuss the case

Register now and join us for an exclusive online session on Zoom.

Please note that these sessions are not recorded.

March 11th, 2025 from  4:30 PM to  5:30 PM
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Category Interpreting Division
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CIOL Interpreting Division