Chartered Institute
of Linguists


The next Annual General Meeting of CIOL will be held at 2.30pm on 2 April 2025

The CIOL Annual General Meeting gives members an overview of CIOL's activities during the previous year and an insight into the organisation's financial health and plans for the future.

At the AGM we also duly elect CIOL's Council and Vice Presidents for the year ahead. Eligible members (Associate Members, Full Members and Fellows) also have the opportunity to vote on the proposed resolutions.

A Q&A function will be available during the AGM, or questions can be sent in advance of the AGM by email to but need to be received no later than two weeks before the AGM.

Frequently Asked Questions

To assist members we have produced some Frequently Asked Questions. If you need any further support please email the Membership Team.

Where and when is the next AGM?

CIOL holds an AGM every year. The next CIOL AGM is scheduled to take place online on 2 April 2025. 

Accessibility of the AGM

To promote wider access, including internationally, CIOL's AGMs are held online.

Who can attend and who can vote?

All members can attend the AGM and Associates (ACIL), Members (MCIL) and Fellows (FCIL) have the right to vote at the AGM.

What am I expected to do at the AGM?

Members will be asked to receive CIOL's end of year accounts and to appoint the auditors for the coming year. There will also be a several items of business (resolutions) which require a vote and a Q&A function will be available to enable members to ask questions. 

Will I be formally notified of the AGM?

Members will receive at least 21 days' notice of the AGM. The Notice and Agenda for the AGM will be issued by email. The agenda and supporting papers are also be available to Members by logging in and accessing them from the Quick Links on the right.

How do I vote?

Every voting member has one vote for each resolution at the AGM. Votes may be given in person or by proxy. Please see ‘What happens if I am unable to attend, but would still like to vote?’

What happens if I am unable to attend, but would still like to vote?

Please complete the Proxy Voting Form using the link on the left. It must be submitted no later than 48 hours before the scheduled date of the AGM. 

Can I ask questions?

A Q&A function will be available during the AGM to enable members to ask questions. If a question cannot be answered at the meeting, every effort will be made to provide answers outside the AGM. Members can also submit questions in advance by email to Questions submitted in advance should reach us no later than 19th March  

Who chairs the AGM?

The AGM is chaired by CIOL's Chair of Council.