Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Language Specialist

Find-a-Linguist - Miss Bethan Thomas

Statement: I am an English language specialist and I work with words to make our world more inclusive and accessible. I hold the IoLET Diploma in Translation (German > English) and a degree in German and Spanish from the University of Salford. I am also the winner of the 2019 Berwyn Prize for translation from Welsh into English. I specialise in jewellery, gemstones and luxury goods. Much of my work involves editing clunky text into clear English and creating well-presented, accurate captions for video content.
Name: Miss Bethan Thomas BA(Hons) DipTrans MCIL
City: Aldershot
Country / Territory: United Kingdom
Native language(s): ENGLISH
Language(s) of qualification: GERMAN, SPANISH
CIOL number: 33030
Membership number (pre-Autumn 2016): 021758
Membership grade: Member
Membership status: Current
Find-a-Linguist directory listing(s): Translation: GERMAN to ENGLISH | Language specialist: ENGLISH