Focus sessions and online workshops for language professionals
Our focus sessions offer a more in-depth focus on a specific topic; our expert speakers will shine a light on a particular subject to give attendees a deeper insight into it. They typically last 1.5 hours, and will offer the opportunity to ask the speaker questions, all via the online platform Gotowebinar. They are perfect for language professionals who are short of time but want to update and broaden their skills.
Our workshops are one- or two-day training sessions, via Zoom, which offer full engagement between trainer and attendees. Numbers are limited to 10 to allow plenty of opportunity to participate within the group and to ask questions so that you can get the most out of the detailed session(s).
Please note that these training sessions will not be available in our webinar library.
Focus sessions are recorded and a link will be sent to those who registered. Workshops are not recorded and require attendance.