Statement: Fully bilingual legal translator, provider of specialised CPD courses and expert opinions. Trained as a barrister in England (called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn in 2002). Extensive experience as a university lecturer for legal translation (on City University London's MA in Legal Translation), as well as teaching bespoke specialised legal language and translation courses (clients have included the Italian Bar Association or the German professional translators' association "BDÜ"). Worked as a lawyer in both Germany and England, and also qualified as an arbitrator (Dublin) and as a mediator (London).
Name: Mr Richard DELANEY BA DipLaw DipArb FCIL CL
City: Berlin
Country / Territory: Germany
Native language(s): GERMAN, ENGLISH
Language(s) of qualification: GERMAN, ENGLISH
CIOL number: 28096
Membership number (pre-Autumn 2016): 024480
Membership grade: Fellow
Membership status: Current
Chartered?: Yes
Chartered Linguist section(s): CL (Translator), CL (Education)
Chartered Linguist number: 0098
Telephone number: +49 17664780591
Subject Area: Legal, Translation
Levels: Postgraduate