Chartered Institute
of Linguists


Find-a-Linguist - Ms Iolanda CASACUBERTA CANTONS

City: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Native language(s): CATALAN, SPANISH
Language(s) of qualification: ENGLISH
CIOL number: 28099
Membership number (pre-Autumn 2016): 023569
Membership grade: Member
Membership status: Current
Telephone number: +34 653 488 042
Agriculture and Horticulture: Agrochemicals and Pesticides, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries
Biology: Ecology, Genetics, Zoology
Environment: Biodiversity, Conservation and Protection, Waste Management
Food and Drink: Food
Medicine: Mental Health, Oncology, Public Health
Pharmaceuticals: Clinical Research and Trials
Veterinary Science: Large Animals, Small Animals
Statement: Apart from being a qualified translator, I am a Veterinary Surgeon, and have worked as such for 16 years in Spain, Swtzerland and the UK. I am also a full member of APTIC (Associacio Professional de Traductors I Interprets de Catalunya) and of Tremedica (Associacion Intenacional de Traductores y Redactores de Medicina y Ciencias Afines). I regularly translate and/or proofread Fact sheets, Treatment handbooks, Sample Collection Guides, Press releases for new drugs, Quality of Life Questionnaires, Clinical Trial Protocols, Pharmaceutical documents, Worksheets and User Guides for IVRS (Interactive Voice Recognition) and IWR (Interactive Web Response) systems, Diagnostics Devices Guides/Brochures, etc.