Statement: I have over 40 years' translation and language-teaching experience.
Translation: ES/FR>EN, and EN>ES, especially medical (incl. clinical trials/life sciences), art/literary, social sciences, marketing, media, technical, financial, academic, immigration documents, etc.
I am trained in SDL Trados and MemoQ as well as other tools and agency tools, and have my own SDL suite.
Experience in MT post-editing, proofreading and QA.
I have authored EFL books, online materials and software for Pearson & Macmillan and have a wide range of experience developing resources in language-teaching settings.
City: Totnes
Country / Territory: United Kingdom
Native language(s): ENGLISH
Language(s) of qualification: FRENCH, SPANISH
CIOL number: 58072
Membership grade: Member
Membership status: Current
Chartered?: Yes
Chartered Linguist section(s): CL (Translator), CL (Education)
Architecture and Building: Property
Biology: Ecology
Business: Health and Safety, Human Resources
Education: Certificates and Transcripts, Materials Production, Pedagogy
Food and Drink: Drink, Food
Literature: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry
Medicine: Mental Health, Preventive Medicine, Public Health
Pharmaceuticals: Clinical Research and Trials
Other Skills: Editing, Proofreading, DTP (Desktop Publishing)