Statement: Extensive experience in the translation of:
- Certificates and transcripts
- Fashion (product descriptions, marketing)
- Literature
- Academic papers (both translation and revision to publishable standard)
- Marketing
- Sports (cycling, football)
- Computer game localisation
Name: Mr Robert Bethell BA MA MCIL
City: Malaga
Country / Territory: Spain
Native language(s): ENGLISH
Language(s) of qualification: ITALIAN, SPANISH
CIOL number: 65765
Membership grade: Member
Membership status: Current
Advertising and Marketing: Brochures, Flyers, Leaflets & Printed Material, Television, Websites
Education: Certificates and Transcripts, E-Learning, Materials Production
Fashion: Catalogues, Clothing, Fashion Shows
Information Technology: Computer Games, Localisation, Software
Law: Certificates
Leisure and Sport: Sport, Tourism, Travel
Literature: Fiction, Non-Fiction
Other Skills: Editing, Proofreading, Copywriting, Subtitling, Transcription, Software localisation