Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Find an Interpreter

What is the main language that requires interpretation?

What is the other language that the main language requires interpretation into? or,

What is the other language of the conversation requiring interpretation?

If the situation is a conversation that needs to be interpreted both ways, select "Yes".

Name City Country Chartered? Membership grade Profile link
Mr Tong (Henrik) Sun London United Kingdom CL (Interpreter) Member View
Ms Rekha NARULA Atherstone United Kingdom CL (Interpreter) Member View
Mrs Asimenia LOULAKI Islington United Kingdom CL (Interpreter) Member View
Ms Intisar Elshiekh London United Kingdom CL (Interpreter) Member View
Dr Abdul Hannan WAHEED Male City Maldives CL (Interpreter) Member View
Mr Rafael Pomadere Donostia Spain CL (Interpreter) Associate View
Miss Mihaela PATRASCU Cambridge United Kingdom CL (Interpreter) Associate View
Dr Abdul Hannan WAHEED Male City Maldives CL (Interpreter) Member View
Mrs Jayana SHAH Leicester United Kingdom CL (Interpreter) Member View
Ms Adriana Bianca BERE Romford United Kingdom CL (Interpreter) Member View