Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Language Specialist

Find-a-Linguist - Mr Olgerts EGLITIS

Statement: I am an interpreter/translator, living in Scotland, UK, since 2008, with 26 years of mostly full-time experience. I have provided certified and other translations since 1992. I ran my own translation company in Latvia from 2000 until 2008. I interpret between English and Latvian. I translate between English and Latvian and also from Russian. I have a DPSI (Latvian - Scottish Law). Areas of specialisation: legal (civil and criminal), local government, health, education, business, banking, economy; personal documents (birth, death, marriage, education certificates, wills, medical certificates, etc.). I have published an English-Latvian Dictionary for Translators of Legal Texts, Riga, 2006.
City: Peterhead
Country: United Kingdom
Native language(s): LATVIAN
Language(s) of qualification: ENGLISH
CIOL number: 42619
Membership number (pre-Autumn 2016): 025117
Membership grade: Member
Membership status: Current
Telephone number: +44(0)7528 376 054
Language Specialist: Cultural briefing consultant, Language consultant