Chartered Institute
of Linguists

Language Specialist

Find-a-Linguist - Mrs Patrycja WALEWSKA-BRADE

City: Stamford
Country: United Kingdom
Native language(s): POLISH
Language(s) of qualification: ENGLISH
CIOL number: 49377
Membership grade: Member
Membership status: Current
Chartered?: Yes
Chartered Linguist section(s): CL (Interpreter)
Statement: Registered Public Service Interpreter (full status since 2006), a member of the APCI. Has passed the CIoL DPSI (Law) and the Met Police Test in Polish. Over 9,000 hours experienced in public service interpreting: legal (crown, county and magistrates courts, the Court of Appeal, police station and prison attendance, statements, solicitors and Probation Service) to healthcare (NHS and private hospitals, GPs, health centres and dentists) to local government (benefits, housing, welfare and child services). I have worked for 18 police constabularies, SOCA/NCA, UKBA, HMRC, HSE, IPS, insurance companies, accident investigators and private companies. I have participated in CID operations and awarded a certificate of commendation for a murder trial.