We offer our sincere condolences to the Royal Family and our Royal patron on the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. The Chartered Institute of Linguists received its Royal Charter from HM Queen Elizabeth II in 2005, for which CIOL, linguists and lovers of languages around the world will always be grateful.
Although most linguists have heard the term ‘inclusive language’, it is possible that only some use this way of writing in their daily work. At the beginning it may seem overwhelming and difficult, but incorporating inclusive language into translation practice is not impossible....
By Stephen Doswell
Income (both rates of pay and getting paid). Competition. Quality. Technology. These are uppermost among challenges facing language professionals according to the latest CIOL Insights report on the Languages Professions, published August 2022*. Indeed, three years on from a similar survey, CIOL concludes that these concerns have grown since 2019 as a...
Caroline Makropoulos MCIL CL visits the Greek Royal Cemetery at Tatoi.
Nestled in the depths of the forest of the Tatoi Estate, at the foothills of Mount Parnitha on the north edge of Athens, lies the little-known Greek Royal Cemetery of the palaia anaktora (old palace), as it is known. Bought by the royal family at the end of the 19th century as a summer retreat, the grounds of this...
"As Chair of CIOL Council I am really delighted to see CIOL Voices coming to life."
As linguists we all have things to say and it is important that members can share their experiences in their own words. We won’t always agree on everything, but as a community I have generally found that we value and respect diversity of expression as part of our...
GCHQ National Language Competition 7 – 11 November 2022
GCHQ, one of the UK’s intelligence agencies, is running a National Language Competition from 7-11 November 2022 aimed at Year 9 pupils across the country. Schools can enter teams of up to four Year 9 pupils to take part. Over the course of five days, teams will score points by tackling a variety of...
CIOL and DipTrans sponsor the ATC Translator of the Year Award 2022
ATC Language Industry Awards Celebrating the operational excellence of ATC member companies
CIOL is delighted to support the ATC’s Language Industry Awards which celebrate the operational excellence of ATC member companies of all sizes and the language industry professionals who support them.
Does being a Chartered Linguist really matter?
This is a question that maybe many ask; why is it important to have such a title?
I remember many years ago - to be precise 12 years ago - when I embarked on the journey of becoming an interpreter, that I was looking for an accountant for my self-assessment tax return. Yes, I know many people do this on...
The 2022 David Crystal Award winner reveals how languages have driven all aspects of his life, from growing up in Liverpool to becoming Bishop of Leeds
Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to be a linguist?
Well, I grew up in Liverpool and went to a comprehensive school. It was an inspiring German teacher who really got me hooked on languages. Being a lad in...
Prior to embarking on a mentoring relationship there are a few key things to consider before determining if it is the right path for you.
1. Purpose
A good starting point is to consider why do you want to have a mentor and what specific challenges are you looking to address? The more carefully you consider what skills and experience you are looking for then the better the...
The Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), Incorporated by Royal Charter, Registered in England and Wales Number RC 000808 and the IoL Educational Trust (IoLET), trading as CIOL Qualifications, Company limited by Guarantee, Registered in England and Wales Number 04297497 and Registered Charity Number 1090263.